How to Find a Therapist

6 Great Questions to ask ANY potential CBT Therapist

Best Therapy Tools

When done well, CBT Therapy can be life changing. Personally, I have experienced this, and as a CBT Therapist / Coach, I have helped over 4000 people learn these same life changing CBT tools that work fast. 

To give you the best chance of experiencing this yourself, it is essential to understand what makes for great CBT (i.e. what are the best therapy tools), and what to ask any potential CBT Therapist (including the non-negotiable accreditation any therapist must have in CBT). 

In my free guide, 6 Questions To Ask Any Potential CBT Therapist, I will help you understand how to find a therapist that is a great fit for you – what you need to know before speaking with them and what you need to ask. 

With this insider knowledge and the right questions, you can be assured that you will be able to make an excellent choice for yourself and receive cutting-edge evidence and neuroscience based CBT utilizing the latest and best therapy tools available anywhere! In particular, I will share with you the following:

  • Why getting a CBT Test Drive is an absolute must before committing to treatment
  • Understanding the one credential a CBT Therapist must have
  • Making sure a therapist has the right kind of experience
  • Why neuroscience makes all the difference in effective therapy
  • Additional ‘must have’ therapy tools
  • The benefit of adding coaching to CBT

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