1164 Bishop St Suite 930, Honolulu, HI 96813 | Hawaii Counseling | Honolulu CBT | Honolulu Therapy | Hawaii CBT | Online Therapy Hawaii | Cognitive Behavior Therapy | Downtown Honolulu, near Kaka’ako, Waikiki, Diamond Head, Kahala, Aina Haina, and Hawaii Kai | Serving residents of Oahu and Hawaii
17 Nottingham St, London W1U 5EW, United Kingdom | London CBT | Online Therapy UK | Cognitive Behavior Therapy | Marylebone, London (W1)

Anxiety Treatment Really Works! Discover How To Manage Triggers And Thrive From Day 1

Is Anxiety Stealing Your Joy? Get the Anxiety Treatment You Deserve

  • Do you feel like you get easily triggered without reason or warning?
  • Do you struggle with constant negative chatter coming from a perfectionistic inner critic that just won’t leave you alone? 
  • Are overwhelming feelings of fear and dread preventing you from enjoying your life and reaching your full potential? 
  • Have you recently been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, such as generalised anxiety disorder (GAD),  panic disorder, agoraphobia or social anxiety?
  • Is your mind full of worry that just won’t stop? 
  • Do you feel physically anxious a lot of the time?
  • Have you wondered if anxiety treatment could be of help? 
  • Has your anxiety become so bad that your GP / PCP has signed you off from work due to work-related stress?
  • Is all this talk about technology, Chat GPT and artificial intelligence causing you to have Chat GPT Anxiety or AI Anxiety

You may feel as though your body can never reach a restful, relaxed place. Or perhaps the onslaught of self-doubt is affecting your ability to be confident in your decisions. You may find that you are never able to simply shut your mind off or that your thoughts quickly spiral into panic, causing what can only be described as physical attacks on the body. Anxiety Treatment may be just the answer you need.

stressed man anxiety treatment anxiety therapy counseling cbt therapy

Anxiety Treatment To Help The Body

Anxiety results in a variety of physical symptoms including headaches, difficulty concentrating, neck pain, nausea, upset stomach, sweaty palms, changes in breathing, heart racing, and dizziness. 

You may find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep too and as a result, you may have become overly reliant on caffeine, alcohol, or other forms of self-medication to get you through the day. For other people, anxiety shows up as panic attacks, anxiety attacks or even skin attacks. 

There is more to life than your worry or anxiety, but to find the coping mechanisms you need to feel present and at ease, you may require the guidance of a counselor (ideally who specializes in anxiety therapy). 

An anxiety treatment specialist will help you understand the cause of your anxiety, how anxiety works and, most importantly, what you can do to manage your symptoms and feel better again. And there is a lot that can be done. Today’s anxiety treatment is very different to therapy of the past. Anxiety therapy is focused on practical tools that help you learn to manage anxiety, lower anxiety and live a more balanced life. 

We Live In Stressful Times – Anxiety Treatment Can Help

Anxiety is a normal facet of the human experience. Symptoms associated with anxiety and panic are incredibly common among adults across the world. It is estimated that one in four people will suffer from generalized anxiety, while one in five will experience a panic attack in any given year. 

And though anxiety can be miserable to endure, it is an alarm bell signalling the need for our brain and body to find a safe space to reset. But sometimes, and often, our human alarm gets triggered in a disproportionate way to whatever is going on. 

This is where anxiety treatment is super helpful. Anxiety therapy will teach you how your human alarm system works and what you can do to help yourself in anxious moments, and how to prevent anxious moments in the first place. 

Anxiety is often the result of unreasonable self-expectations drawn out of perfectionism and existential dread about the future. As educated, ambitious individuals, we are likely to set high standards for personal and professional performance while focusing more on what went wrong rather than what went right. And this tendency to focus on what went wrong actually increases our level of anxiety. 

In addition, work related stress – anxiety related to our jobs, is so common and yet is hardly ever talked about. More and more people are signed off work due to this stress each year. 

Although this can be very helpful, it often results in people losing confidence very quickly, and then not only having to deal with the original work related stress, but also anxiety about their ability to do the job itself. 

Anxiety treatment focusing on your specific work situation can really make a difference in how you feel and cope. 

While you may feel embarrassed, ashamed, or overly emotional for seeking help for your anxieties, it’s important to remember the value of an outside perspective in helping you to find relief and strategies for coping. A stiff upper lip sounds good in theory but doesn’t really work in practice. There is nothing noble about staying miserably silent. This is where finding the courage to reach out to an anxiety treatment specialist can help you start to actually feel better. And by the way, you deserve to feel better!

Life is so much more challenging than it used to be–it is not just something to ‘get on with’. 
If you are struggling with feelings of constant fear and dread, a CBT therapist or counselor who specializes in anxiety treatment can help you make meaningful progress instead of simply going through the motions of a life impacted by stress and anxiety.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Is A Proven And Effective Anxiety Treatment

Life is meant to be lived from a place of hope—not fear. Anxiety treatment with an anxiety therapist or counselor who specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can give you the tools you need to manage your anxiety and inner critic. 

Instead of being overly judgemental and beating yourself up all the time, it’s possible to transform that constant cruel and negative commentary in your mind to be supportive and kind. While this is a skill that is easy to learn, unfortunately most of us don’t get the opportunity to do so.  

As a CBT therapist and anxiety treatment specialist, I will help you to understand how your brain and body work in conjunction with one another and the influences that inner thoughts and feelings have on your emotions. 

Using my advanced training in Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT), I will work with you to lower the stress hormones of cortisol and adrenaline when they are not serving you while increasing the supportive hormone of oxytocin in service of your mental health and wellbeing. 

Anxiety Treatment Helps You Rewire Your Brain To Lower Anxiety

In rewiring your brain, you will be able to learn how to sustainably deal with stress and anxiety throughout your entire life. This is the beauty of effective anxiety treatment – you learn how to become your own anxiety therapist and then you gain the confidence to manage your emotions (and lower baseline anxiety) for the rest of your life. Good anxiety treatment will help you to not need further and on-going anxiety treatment.

Using neuroscience-based anxiety therapy focused on the physiological elements of the body—such as movement, hydration, and engaging with nature—we will start anxiety treatment by helping you learn to lower the alarm in your body. 

Then, we will integrate mindfulness practices, visualization, deep breathing exercises, and cognitive restructuring to help you to develop a kinder, more supportive inner self. 

Over time, we will clear negative beliefs that you picked up along the way, including past disappointments and any possible past traumas, so that you can find peace and healing.

Anxiety Treatment And The Future

As we move into discussing the future, I will transition into post-anxiety coaching mode to help you begin to envision the possibilities for the future and how you can thrive and create a life full of meaningful connection. 

Unlike the anxiety you experienced before, which was the body in alarm mode trying to warn you about your future, in this last stage of anxiety treatment, you will begin to intentionally plan your future from a grounded place of hope, not fear. 

By the end of your anxiety treatment, you will have cultivated effective tools for managing stress and anxiety and refined your relationship with yourself. As a truly great gift you can give yourself, learning how to work with and grow a supportive inner monologue is absolutely essential to your progress and healing.

anxiety treatment anxiety counseling anxiety therapy marylebone, london

If you are committed to the process of anxiety treatment, I am confident that you will get what you need from our CBT counseling sessions together. 

My experience in the field has allowed me to identify clients with a strong potential for hope and transformation, and I can therefore almost guarantee that therapy will help you to feel better and more capable of managing your anxiety and life (as long as you put in an honest effort). 

Since 2005, I have providing anxiety treatment and have been successful in helping clients to create a kinder and more supportive relationship with themselves, learning to minimize the negative effects of anxiety on their lives. 

My holistic and integrative approach to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, which promotes self-compassion and reconnection to the natural environment around you, can provide you with the gift of clarity and mind-body harmony too. Anxiety treatment has been shown to be very effective.

Perhaps you have some questions or concerns when it comes to seeking anxiety treatment, which is very normal…

I’m worried that my anxiety is too deeply ingrained and that I am hardwired to be this way for life. Can anxiety treatment help? 

I understand where you are coming from. And by the way, most people say this in the beginning! Before I developed a neuroscience based way of understanding the connection between our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, I was very sceptical that CBT, counselling and mindfulness could help to reduce anxiety. 
But it did for me first as a client, and then after receiving advanced specialist training, I have witnessed anxiety treatment working for thousands of my clients over the years. But honestly, don’t believe me! I want you to try it out for yourself and see if it helps you too. 
I invite you to just try out this form of anxiety therapy and join the large community of my clients who were pleasantly surprised at how much relief they found from their anxiety during treatment and how much they learned about themselves in a short period of time. If you do your part, I am confident that you will notice positive, sustainable change early on in the process. 

No other therapeutic or counseling methods have helped to reduce my anxiety in the past. What makes your approach to anxiety treatment different?

I see a lot of clients who have tried different therapy approaches or treatments to no avail. However, I offer a tailor-made approach to treating your anxiety—much like a PT, Physio or Physical Trainer for your brain. Using a holistic and integrative blend of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, counseling, compassion focused therapy, ecotherapy, and mindfulness techniques, I can help you achieve a sense of serenity and put you at ease.  
It’s okay to be sceptical–many of my former clients were at the beginning, too. However, a Harvard study has proven that it takes only eight weeks to rewire your brain for the long-term, using the exact techniques that I will show you in the form of anxiety treatment I offer. Anxiety therapy has changed a lot in the past decade and it is not only possible, but actually more efficient to have fun as you learn to rewire your brain for good. 

Do you offer residents of Honolulu Hawaii anxiety treatment? 

Yes, I am licensed as a mental health counselor in the state of Hawaii. I offer online therapy to residents of Oahu and all neighbor islands, including Kauai, Maui, Lanai, Molokai and the Big Island. Depending on availability, I may be able to also offer in office anxiety treatment to Honolulu and Oahu residents.

Do you offer anxiety therapy to UK, EU and London residents? 

Yes, I am a fully accredited CBT Therapist with the BABCP and a registered and accredited counsellor with the BACP. I have worked in the NHS, University of London, Imperial College as a student counsellor, in MIND as a clinical supervisor as well as maintaining a private practice specializing in anxiety treatment since 2006. 

How about online therapy? Does online anxiety treatment work?

Yes. The evidence is clear that online therapy is as effective as in person therapy. I have personally found that for many of my clients, anxiety treatment online is even more effective. The reason for this, I believe, is that when people are able to access anxiety therapy from their own homes, change is faster as the brain and body are more likely to be in a receptive state of change from day one. 
The other advantage of having anxiety treatment through online therapy is that your confidence in your ability to continue to use the tools long after our sessions ends, tends to grow when done in your own space and at your own pace. 

Where do you offer anxiety therapy? Colorado, Florida, Hawaii?

I am licensed in the US states of Hawaii, Colorado and Florida and provide anxiety treatment to residents of Hawaii, Colorado and Florida. I also offer anxiety therapy to people in London, residents of the UK as well as the EU. 

How does your international background inform your anxiety treatment and anxiety therapy? 

I am licensed, registered and credentialed in both the UK and the US, as well as having received graduate level training in both countries. To my knowledge, I am the only UK Accredited CBT therapist who is also licenced in the US as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC). 
This has provided me with a unique insight into the field of counselling and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy on both sides of the pond. I have worked with clients from all over the world and been exposed to a wide array of perspectives and experiences. My background may be especially appealing to expats, immigrants, and folks who often travel between Europe and the US. 

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If anxiety is impacting your quality of life and causing you to buy into negative beliefs about yourself and your capabilities, anxiety treatment using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can help you to better understand your thoughts, feelings, and actions and how to manage negative cycles of thinking. 

To schedule a 20 minute no cost / no pressure consultation to find out how I can serve your unique needs, book yourself in for a CBT Test Drive directly with the online booking system. This is a chance for us to meet online  and talk about how anxiety treatment and anxiety therapy can be of help to you.

If you are unable to find an available appointment or have any other questions, please contact me via email