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CBT Anxiety Treatment: 4 Effective Tips to Help Manage Your Anxiety At Home

CBT Anxiety Treatment Tips for Home

CBT Anxiety Treatment

It’s another day. You wake up feeling overwhelmed and stressed. There’s so much to do. Where is the time to do it all? Keep reading! There is hope and help with this at home CBT Anxiety Treatment you can quickly implement. 

If the world feels heavier than ever, and thoughts seem to travel a million miles a minute, or suddenly your brain seems empty of any thoughts,  then it is most probably that what’s going on is that your anxiety is striking at you again. Living with anxiety is one of the hardest things to go through especially if anxiety attacks you frequently. 

You know you need to get stuff done, but there’s too much to do. You don’t know where to start. Your heart is racing. You feel like you may go into a panic attack or hyper-vigilant anxiety mode.

Even worse, is when you feel like there are no obvious triggers for the anxiety you feel. It can make you feel crazy, as if there is something inherently wrong with you. There isn’t. The truth is, anxiety affects more people than most are led to believe. 

It’s a common mental health concern that is on the rise in recent years. When you feel so anxious about everything, it can be challenging to break out of this cycle. But there are things you can do using this tried and tested at home CBT Anxiety Treatment proven to work.

If you want to find relief from anxiety, here are four daily tips you can do to help manage it better starting today

CBT Anxiety Treatment Tip 1: Start Somewhere. Start anywhere!

When you are feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list, it can be daunting to know where to begin. Because of not knowing where to start, we will often just procrastinate on everything. Which then increases our anxiety because we know we should at least be doing something. What a vicious cycle this is.

If there’s stuff you need to get done, just start anywhere. It doesn’t matter what you start or when you begin. What matters is that you are taking a small step to getting something accomplished. Sometimes, when we begin with baby steps, it can help us to feel motivated to get more done.

CBT Anxiety Treatment Tip 2: Remember You Are Doing Your Best (and this is enough!)

When you have anxiety, you often put unneeded pressure on yourself. To either be perfect, or get everything done, or any number of things. Remind yourself every day, no matter what you accomplished or could not do, that you are doing your absolute best.

We are often very gentle towards other people and the way we talk to them. Have you tried being kind to yourself, as well? The way we talk and think about ourselves is often either a positive or negative catalyst with anxiety. When you talk to yourself in a positive way, you are less likely to dwell on negative thoughts that you may have about yourself.

CBT Anxiety Treatment Tip 3: Breathing Exercises

One of the best self-soothing exercises you can do requires no equipment and can be done anywhere. Experts in the health fields agree that breathwork is one of the quickest ways to calm the mind and body down. As you know, when you are in the middle of a panic attack, your breathing becomes more shallow and quick. So what if there was a way to reverse that?

Through practice you can teach yourself how to breathe deeply in a way that will actually counteract your symptoms! Breathwork can also help you feel more grounded and mindful.

CBT Anxiety Treatment Tip 4: Using Your Senses Mindfully

Self-soothing is the ability to calm ourselves down during moments of distress. By doing these everyday, you can train your body and mind to react less harshly to things that are stressing you out. Over time, your body will naturally react to stress in an easier way to manage.

This will help bring you away from the intense emotions and thoughts you are experiencing by focusing on other things. To do this:

  • Name 5 things you can see
  • Name 4 things that you can hear
  • Name 3 things that you can feel
  • Name 2 things you can smell
  • Name 1 thing you can taste

Coping with anxiety is hard, but little steps each can help counteract these symptoms. Click CBT Anxiety Treatment to learn more.

I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Hawaii and an Accredited CBT Therapist in the UK with over 15 years of experience. I specialize in anxiety treatment and have received advanced specialist training in Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Compassion Focused Therapy. Please feel free to contact me at my Honolulu or London clinic to set up a CBT Anxiety Treatment Test Drive.

CBT Test Drive

The right approach, tools and fit is a game changer. For this reason, I offer an Initial Test Drive session to see if working together could be a great fit for you. Each Test Drive lasts between 45-60 minutes and takes place within my Video Consulting Room. Based on the latest evidence, science, and my experience, I will aim to make concrete suggestions as to what I think can be most helpful for you.