CBT Blog - Discover 1 life changing tool a week!
How to manage anxiety (and life) using Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Counseling
All posts are for informational purposes only. Reading the CBT Blog does not constitute a client-therapist relationship.
4 Ways CBT Counselling Empowers You to Manage Your Anxiety at Home
If you’ve tried or are considering sessions with a CBT therapist, you might be wondering how the skills you learn in sessions can be helpful at home, especially in these anxious times.
Coping with Covid-19 Anxiety. What hasn’t changed?
During the pandemic it is very easy to feel anxious. Our minds can quickly spiral to worst case scenarios and before we know it we feel even worse, and helpless. Uncertainty hurts. As a species, we like certainty, because when things are certain we have a sense of control. So in spite of there being a lot of our control at the moment, we still have a lot that we do have control over. That is where this tool works great.
‘Just Feel It’
What are Feelings Feelings just are. Like the weather. Feelings come and Feelings go. Some feelings are pleasant. Some feelings are neutral. Other feelings are