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Life Coaching For Holiday Stress – 4 Helpful (and Hopeful) Tips To Stay Calm During The Holidays

picture of car that could benefit from life coaching for holiday stress. In this pic, the tree is too big for the small tree.

Life Coaching For Holiday Stress Is Worth Considering

t’s shocking to know that the holiday season is once again upon us. This time of year is supposed to be one of the most joyous times. Filled with family gatherings, events, and not to mention all the good food.


it isn’t all joyful bliss. In fact, many people commonly experience elevated levels of stress and anxiety during this time. And this year, especially, is going to be stressful for many people. Dealing with stretched budgets, shopping, and buying food for all the feasting is making many people feel like the joy has been sucked right out of the season. Holiday stress is real, so sayeth Harvard!

Although you may not have considered this before, getting a few sessions of life coaching for holiday stress can be surprisingly helpful. Even the Mayo clinic have identified how stressful the holidays can be.

Why Life Coaching For Holiday Stress Is Better Than Therapy After The Fact

Based on my experiences working as a therapist and coach, I can tell you that after the holidays I see many clients for therapy who have struggled through the holidays, which is understandable, really. BUT in my opinion, time, energy and money are better spent prior to the holidays receiving some sessions of life coaching for holiday stress can help to reduce holiday stress and get you on track to have a wonderful time (in the midst of the stress). 

So if you are feeling anxious during this time of year, don’t worry, know that you are not alone and that it is normal to feel like this. Even though it is stressful and your schedule may be busy, you don’t have to let it totally overwhelm you this year. I’d like to share with you some ideas from my life coaching for holiday stress sessions that you can implement BEFORE the holidays. Let’s go over some tips on how to stay calm during the holiday season.

Tip 1 Don’t Cram Pack Activities And Events Into Your Schedule

If you can help it, try not to cram every little activity into your schedule. Some things, of course, you don’t have a choice on. But you likely have the power to say no to at least a few things. 

Part of the problem with the holidays that we all try to do as much as we can. Which means tight schedules, running around, and not having any time to ourselves. Don’t forget to take care of yourself and do self-care in between everything. 

And don’t feel guilty when you say no to a holiday party or event for the sake of your own mental health. A good mantra for this time of year is less is more. And be upfront with those around you about what you are not able to do. Setting limits with clear communication will go a long way in reducing holiday stress.  

Tip 2: Worried About Your Budget? Don’t Let Modern Society Dictate What You Spend Your Money On

More than ever, we are all facing challenges when it comes to finances. The truth is, there is an idea in society that in order to make the most of the holidays, we must spend a ton of money. It has become so commercialized that the true meaning of the holiday – time with family and friends, is truly lost sometimes. 

A few life coaching for holiday stress sessions can help you to make a plan about the amount of money you are comfortable spending, along with strategies to stick to your budget. 

You don’t have to spend all of your money to show the people you love that you care for them. Set your budget before you start doing your holiday shopping. Make a list of the exact items you want to get for each person on your list. By doing this, you can stay focused on your budget spending and not feel stressed when you are in the store thinking of what you can get someone. 

Tip 3: Don’t Hesitate To Put Yourself First, Too

We often extend our kindness and generosity the most to other people during the holiday season. Selflessness is a great trait – but it’s not selfish to want to take care of you, too. Self-care is important and crucial for our mental health. And there is nothing wrong with saying that you need to take a day just for yourself. Or even a few hours. 

Having a life coaching for holiday stress session can help you create a plan to factor in your self care from the get go. In a way, the holiday season is like a marathon and having a life coach help you plan for it can help change your experience, not just this holiday season but also for all of those to come in the future. 

Do something that you really want to do. Treat yourself to an hour massage or some time at the spa. Take yourself out on a date to a cute coffee shop with a book. Go for a walk in nature and spend time thinking about your loved ones and friends. Remember this is your holiday season too! So make sure that you treat yourself the way you are treating others. 

Tip 4: Getting Clear About Your Values For The Holidays

If you are really wanting to change the narrative and what can often feel robotic and chaotic at this time of year, booking in a few life coaching for holiday stress sessions can do wonders. In these sessions, you can explore with a coach, what your values are related to the holidays. You can map out the kind of experiences you want to have. You can create and practice strategies for dealing with old family dynamics and preventing conflict.

You absolutely can be in control this holiday season, get everything done and enjoy it all. One thing we all were reminded of during the pandemic is that life is too precious to waste. Holidays are a perfect time to truly express how grateful you are for everything you have in life. And it can help you feel more prepared to tackle the new year when the clock strikes midnight on January 1st.

Even though the holidays are quickly approaching, it is never too late to talk to a life coach about holiday stress and the anxieties you are feeling. 

Learn more about how life coaching can help you get throught the holidays, manage holiday related stress, and create a plan to make beautiful memories by clicking HERE. Please reach out to me at my Honolulu or London office to set up an online Coaching Test Drive or click to learn more about the life coaching services I offer

I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in the USA and an Accredited CBT Therapist in the UK with over 16 years of experience, my expertise is providing therapy for gay men and the lgbtq+ community. I also completed advanced training in using Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Compassion Focused Therapy as well as life coaching for gay men and lgbtq+ people. 

CBT Test Drive

The right approach, tools and fit is a game changer. For this reason, I offer an Initial Test Drive session to see if working together could be a great fit for you. Each Test Drive lasts between 45-60 minutes and takes place within my Video Consulting Room. Based on the latest evidence, science, and my experience, I will aim to make concrete suggestions as to what I think can be most helpful for you.