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CBT For Moving Home Anxiety: 5 Powerful Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Tools To Help You Settle In AFTER the move

Moving Home Anxiety Is Real and Care Needed

Moving Home Anxiety

You finally have the keys in your hand. All of your belongings are in boxes, stacked around your new home. As you look around, you are so happy that it finally came true, you are in your own place! Now what.

Moving places is such an exciting time. It reminds you of the possibilities. The hope for new memories. And, it reminds you of how much you have to do with so little time to get it all done. It is normal (but not discussed enough) to feel anxious after the move is finally done. This is where CBT for moving home anxiety can be very helpful. 

Truthfully, moving is one of the most stressful times even though it is a ‘positive’ thing. You have boxes to unpack. Things to organize and put away. “Where should this go? Does it make sense to put this there?” Deciding on a system and organization process that will work for you or your family is exhausting and overwhelming. And of course you want to get on and start living!

During this time, anxiety levels seem to skyrocket. But, how can you overcome this so you don’t feel like pulling your own hair out? Thankfully, with the right approach, you can learn powerful tools using CBT for moving home anxiety to make this transition smoother and ever fun.

1. Begin With Your Thought Process (The Cognitive Part of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

You’re in your new place and you just want everything to be done as soon as possible. So you put this pressure on yourself that there needs to be a deadline. That everything needs to be done within a certain amount of time. Stop this. We are our own worst enemies when it comes to self-imposed deadlines for things that don’t really need to have them.

Yes, I get how stressful it is (and it is!) to move. I have been there and know firsthand what it’s like. But some of the stress related to moving home anxiety is within you to limit but to do this you have to recognize this is happening in the first place.

So if you are stressing out about how much time it’s going to take to get it all done, begin by examining your thoughts. If you are feeling anxious, what are the thoughts that are causing this anxiety? Really take a look at what your mind is telling you. Is it helpful, or just negative thinking?

2. Change Your Reaction To Your Thoughts (More Cognitive)

You’re overwhelmed and frantic. There’s so much to do during this new move. And you still have everything else going on, too. Work, taking care of your family, etc. It almost makes you feel manic with no direction. And when that happens, it is actually common to just not do anything. You end up sitting and ruminating in your thoughts about what needs done but don’t have the bandwidth to do it all and this only makes moving home anxiety worse.

If this is happening to you, you can change how you react to your thoughts. Alter your behavior. If you are finding that you want to sit and do absolutely nothing because you don’t know where to start – start anywhere! There’s no rules to this. Start with a few boxes in the kitchen. Or do one box per room. You’ll at least be making some progress without the added pressure of having to do it all at once.

3. Reflect On How You Feel (Don’t Forget Your Emotions)

As exciting as this time it is, it can also be very stressful. “Did I make the right move? Was this the right choice for my family? Financially, did this even make sense?” Regardless of how far away you moved from your last place, it’s common to question it all. It’s a big life transition, after all.

What anxieties do you have that aren’t related to unpacking? Identifying other causes of your anxiety can help you manage how you feel. The first step is to acknowledge how you feel so you can see how you are reacting to these types of thoughts. It is important to recognize your emotional and bodily feelings related to moving home anxiety AND recognize and self-affirm that these are both normal and temporary.

4. Create A Schedule (The Behavioral Part of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

One of the most powerful Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) tools to help with moving home anxiety is activity scheduling. When you are trying to balance everything that needs to be done in your home, plus work and everything else, it can be really challenging. The challenge is usually not knowing where to start. Creating a schedule for yourself can help ease your anxiety and help you get things done. You can say, “From 1pm to 3pm, I will spend time organizing the kitchen.” You’ll give yourself a set schedule, get things done, and feel accomplished as you complete tasks!

5. Seek Support (More Behavioral)

Finally, a powerful CBT tool that can help you is seeking help from a licensed therapist. When there is so much going on, your mental health can be affected by it. Instead of waiting for things to get better, be proactive about it. There’s nothing wrong with needing support during what is the most challenging and rewarding point of your life.

If you are having symptoms of moving home anxiety, working with a cognitive behavioral therapist can really make a difference and help you learn to adjust and love your new home quicker. Click to learn more about how Anxiety Treatment works.

I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Hawaii and an Accredited CBT Therapist in the UK with over 15 years of experience. I specialize in anxiety treatment. I have received advanced specialist training in Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Compassion Focused Therapy. Over the years I have helped many people struggling with both home buying anxiety and home moving anxiety, learn how to manage their thoughts, emotions and behaviors during the process and afterwards. Please feel free to contact me at my Honolulu or London clinic to set up a CBT Moving Home Anxiety Test Drive Session

CBT Test Drive

The right approach, tools and fit is a game changer. For this reason, I offer an Initial Test Drive session to see if working together could be a great fit for you. Each Test Drive lasts between 45-60 minutes and takes place within my Video Consulting Room. Based on the latest evidence, science, and my experience, I will aim to make concrete suggestions as to what I think can be most helpful for you.